Monday, October 14, 2013

There is nothing like being a nurse

Since I'm working nights while in the armpit of Texas (Abilene) I have started working on my continuing education credits to maintain my nursing license.  I have seen nurses and other professionals (my dad) scrambling to finish them right before their license comes due and decided to avoid that stress. 

This has been good in that it gets me back in the groove a bit of studying and thinking more seriously about getting back to school and what I want to do when I grow up.  It also is interesting to me as a nerd because I'm learning and a lot of the articles I'm reading are relevant to my field and can be put into practice.

That said, I truly believe that knowledge is power and ignorance in bliss.  There are things I wish I didn't know.  Things like "In a few studies of contamination of nurses' uniforms, researchers have reported up to 65% nurses' uniforms are contaminated with body fluids and bacteria/MDROs at the end of a shift."

In theory I knew that, but seeing it in a research article with statistics is just disturbing.  I truly just want to burn my uniform when I get home now.  For all my nursing friends with kids, don't let them touch you while in uniform!!!  Oh, and to those who aren't in nursing, MDRO is multi-drug resistant organisms.  The super bugs you hear about in the news.

On a more positive note, I'm making excellent progress on the cross stitch.  I am nearing done with the stitching and then on to the finishing work! 

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