Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hobby from Hobby Lobby

So Monday I went to Hobby Lobby and got a hobby.  Abilene, TX isn't a hotbed of activity, and I know no one.  I don't have internet yet and the TV isn't digital ready so I don't have TV service (and am unlikely to change that).

I decided to try cross stitching again.  It had been quite some time since I have pursued this activity and I forgot how much I enjoy it.  I find it relaxing even, but I am a nerd.

Anyway, this is my progress thus far, which I think is pretty great for just a few days!  I plan to finish before this assignment does, which gives me plenty of time, right?

Friday, September 6, 2013

I think I see the problem....

What do you do when your patient complains they can't breath?  You flip on the light to discover they have two heart monitor electrodes in their nose and the nasal cannula tight around their throat.  Huh, might be why you can't breath at the moment, let me help you with that!